Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm back, kinda...

As with many things in my life, I go through these super intense phases where I want to do something EVERYDAY and ALLTHETIME!!! Then I miss one day...then another, until I feel so bad about it, that I just avoid the whole thing.  So long story short, my training fell completely off track.  I got so burnt out trying to keep up with all the intense workouts, that I dreaded the next day's workout.

I love running..the sweating, the exhaustion and the freedom of a clear mind.  I don't love the constraints of a training schedule.  This month started the marathon season for my team, a few of them are very frustrated by injuries and their inability to get in all the scheduled mileage.  I told them not to worry, that it was just causing them additional pressure and stress could be hindering their healing.  This is one of those moments where I stopped and decided to follow the advice that I was giving to my trainees.

I was telling them not to stress over a missed run, not to push too hard and to follow the sensible training plan I was giving them.  And I realized, I never take my own advice. I am always all or nothing; crafting training plans for myself where I look ahead with a sinking feeling in my stomach, dreading every new week and when I fail to complete a workout or two I am ready to give up.  So that is why I am back, just for the love of running and MODERATION.

Recently I started a Project 365, where I take a picture everyday.  On Saturday long runs (or run/walks, as the case may be) I have been bringing my camera to get my picture of the day.  I figured taking this blog in a different direction, away from the stats and distance and onto the beauty that I get to be a part of on every run would be a lot more fun and enjoyable...I mean do you really care what my max heart rate was on my last workout? Wouldn't you rather see pretty pictures of where I get to run?

Here is the first shot:
fave run
This is one of my favorite parts of my regular route.  I love everything about it; the trees, the shade and the slight downhill curve.